
Professor, LINC Director, and Department ChairProfessor Suresh Subramaniam's interests are in the general area of communication networks. The modeling and analysis of networks, and network architectures and algorithms are the general themes of his research. His primary focus for the last several years has been on optical networks, and has done some work on wireless networks as well.Office: SEH 5000B|Phone: 202-994-5905|E-Mail: suresh@gwu.edu|Website

Associate ProfessorProfessor Milos Doroslovacki conducts research in signal processing, communication signals and systems, discrete-time signal and system theory, and wavelets and their applications. Recent projects have been centered on adaptive wavelet-based echo cancellation for voice transmission over digital networks, attitude rate estimation using GPS, and techniques for automatic identification of modulations.Office: SEH 6620|Phone: 202-994-6916|E-Mail: doroslov@gwu.edu

Assistant ProfessorProfessor Imani's research interests include Machine Learning, Bayesian Statistics and Decision Theory, with wide range of applications from computational biology to cyber-physical systems. He is especially interested in scalable and risk-based decision making in complex uncertain systems.Office: SEH 5580|E-Mail: mimani@gwu.edu|Website

Associate ProfessorProfessor Tian Lan's reseach interests include cloud computing, cyber security, fairness theory, and wireless communications. The overall research goal is to enable networked users with services that are secure, simple, fair, and sustainable.Office: SEH 6580|Phone: 202-994-5079|E-Mail: tlan@gwu.edu|Website

Associate ProfessorProfessor Guru Prasadh V. Venkataramani's area of research is computer architecture. He is especially interested in issues concerning multi-cores like performance, power, application debugging and security.Office: SEH 6600|Phone: 202-994-2980|E-Mail: guruv@gwu.edu|Website

Assistant ProfessorProfessor Omur Ozel conducts research in wireless communications, information theory, signal processing and networks with special interests in energy harvesting communications, wireless energy and information transfer, information and system level security.Office: SEH 5620|Phone: 202-994-0956|E-Mail: ozel@gwu.edu
Current Graduate Students

Alumni/Former Students
Farshad Ahdi
Jie Chen (MathWorks)
Yongbo Li (Facebook)
Yu Xiang (AT&T Labs Research)
Fan Yao
Jingxin Wu
Maotong Xu (Facebook)
Juzi Zhao (San Jose State U.)
Visiting Scientist
Dr. Jianhua Fan (Nanjing Telecom Research Institute, 2016-2017)
Dr. Han Zhang (Tsinghua Unversity, 2016-2017)